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How to register a car?

If you are importing a car from another country to Croatia, the registration process can be more complex. Here are general steps you need to follow:

1. Technical inspection in the country of origin:
Before importing the vehicle, make sure it has passed a technical inspection in the country of origin. The vehicle must meet technical standards to be registered in Croatia.

2. Documentation: Prepare the required documents, including ID card or passport, original invoice, technical inspection certificate, temporary license plates (if applicable), insurance policy, and other relevant documents.

3. Customs formalities:
If the vehicle is coming from a country outside the European Union, customs formalities may be required. Look into relevant information regarding customs duties and taxes.

4. Transport to Croatia:
Organize the transport of the vehicle to Croatia. Depending on the distance, you can use a transport service or drive the vehicle yourself.

5. Customs approval and VAT:
If you are importing a vehicle from outside the EU, you need to obtain customs approval and pay a certain fee.

6. Technical inspection in Croatia:
Upon arrival in Croatia, undergo a technical inspection of the vehicle at an authorized inspection station.

7. Registration:
After a successful technical check, register the vehicle at the local vehicle registration office.

8. Plates and registration document:
After registration, you will receive license plates and the registration document. Study all relevant regulations and consult local authorities or the vehicle registration agency to ensure you follow all necessary steps and meet the conditions for importing the vehicle.

Register OIB


The OIB (Personal Identification Number) is a unique identification number assigned to individuals in the Republic of Croatia. The OIB consists of 11 digits and serves as the basic identifier for citizens in various administrative, business, and other services. Every citizen receives the OIB at birth or upon the first contact with certain government authorities. The OIB is used for various purposes, including tax records, medical records, banking transactions, vehicle registration, access to government services, and many other administrative processes. It is important to note that the OIB is the basic identifier for tracking financial and other activities of citizens and is often required in official transactions and documents.


The OIB (Personal Identification Number) is issued to both citizens of the Republic of Croatia and foreign individuals or legal entities. The OIB for foreigners is issued to individuals who are registered in the official records of residence permits and if the foreign person has become a taxpayer according to specific regulations.


The personal identification number, known as OIB, needs to be requested if you plan to stay in Croatia for longer than the usual tourist stay and are registering for residency in the Republic of Croatia, if you plan to buy real estate in Croatia, if you plan to open a company and/or pay taxes in Croatia, or if you are opening a bank, utility, or telephone account in Croatia.


01 Select the Competent Authority: If you are a citizen of the Republic of Croatia, registration of the OIB is usually done at the local registry office based on your residence or place of stay. If you are a foreigner residing in Croatia, the process is carried out through the Tax Administration.

02 Gather Documents: Prepare the necessary documents for registration, including a valid identification document (e.g., ID card or passport).

03 Visit the Competent Authority: Visit the registry office or Tax Administration, depending on your situation.

04 Fill Out the Application: Complete the form for OIB registration. In the registry office, this may be a residence registration form, while in the Tax Administration, it is linked to tax obligations.

05 Submit the Application: Submit the completed form and all required documents to the competent authority. Registration can also be done online.

06 Monitor the Process: Track the registration process and check the status of your application through the system used by the competent authority.

07 Receive the OIB: After approval of the application, you will receive the assigned OIB. The OIB serves as a unique identifier in various administrative and tax procedures.


The registration of the Tax Identification Number (OIB) for legal entities in the Republic of Croatia is done according to specific procedures and steps. Here is a general guide on how to register the OIB as a legal entity: Steps for Registering the Tax Identification Number as a Legal Entity:

01 Documentation: Prepare all the necessary documents needed for registration. This may include the company’s articles of association, registration confirmation, identification document of the responsible person, and other relevant documents.

02 Selection of the Competent Authority: Depending on the type of legal entity, choose the competent authority for submitting the application for OIB. For most legal entities, this is the Tax Administration.

03 Submission of the Application: Submit the application for the assignment of OIB to the competent authority. The application can be submitted in person or through electronic systems, depending on the capabilities of the competent authority.

04 Filling Out the Form: Complete the form that will be used for OIB registration. This form typically includes basic information about the legal entity, including name, registered office, identification data of the responsible person, etc.

05 Attached Documents: Attach all the necessary documents to the application. Depending on the specifics of your legal structure, additional documents may be required.

06 Obtaining the OIB: After processing the application, the legal entity will receive the assigned OIB, which is used as a unique identifier in business and administrative processes.